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Golden Field Property Management
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Golden Field Property Management
Golden Field Property Management Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary under Golden Field Group. The property company has established 6 departments, which respectively are Administration and Personnel Department, Finance Department, Environmental Maintenance Department, Safety Management Department, Engineering Maintenance Department and Engineering Service Center. In addition, according to the characteristics of the residence communities, the “grouping management mode” is designed and implemented; it proceeds with unified management on serving customers (24-hour service).
Careful Implementation —— Strictly comply with requirements of the Quality Management System Document and conduct programmed and standardized management to enable every employee to be aware of what to do, how to do, what degree shall be reached and what notes shall be taken, thereby to realize the requirements of fixed time, personnel, post, task and quality.
Strict Inspection —— Every activity will be inspected as scheduled. The entire property management shall be inspected daily, weekly and monthly so as to ensure that each item of property management is conducted under strict supervision.
Continuous Improvement —— As to problems discovered during inspection, we ask for opinions from the owner's committee, owners and customers, then use statistical method to gauge the deficiencies in property management activities to formulate corresponding corrective and preventive actions.
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